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Architect, Laurent Letourmy first formed his gaze with Martial Raysse, before turning to architecture, which he later taught at the Paris-Malaquais school for nearly seven years. Missions in Canada as well as in Egypt will mark him deeply and shape his taste for the representation of the landscape.

Laurent Letourmy's work is contemplative and constructed. The artist is directly inspired by nature to recompose drawings and watercolors. His circular views entitled " egonometries " explore the diversity of the landscapes captured in their entirety. Returning to the principle of a representation centered on the observer, his 360° views are inspired by both perspective techniques and “radar” imagery. The space is reconstituted around the observer as if to sensitize him to the environment and arouse emotion.

In addition, Laurent Letourmy creates linoleum engravings synthetically and poetically evoking the elements that make up nature: animals, singular sites, details ...

Almost exclusively in black and white and in square format, these very refined visions seem to translate a desire on the part of the artist, to draw the images towards signs, symbols with a sometimes playful approach, in particular through the continuation of the Bestiary.


Finally, with his "scale 1" paintings, he confirms his taste for the plastic object, as an architecture of the image.


2020 - Sweet emotions

2019 - Gallery of the Villa des arts, Paris.

2017 - Galerie Paul Prouté , Paris.

2016 - Maison Muller, Paris.

2015 - Art and Objects Gallery, Brussels.

2014 - Galerie du Scribe, Paris.

2014 - Espace GreenLight, Paris.

2012 - Galerie du Pelikan, Paris.

2006 - Science-Po Gallery, Paris.

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